
We bought our house in September 1983...

It was the first of three houses built in a new development, and the last to be sold--the developer needed more money to continue with the next phase of building.

Soon after we bought the house, the builder discovered that he could not develop the land behind us unless we granted the town an easement for the water main across the back corner of our lot. I include this bit of ancient history to explain the large pile of dirt in the picture at the bottom…

By granting the easement to the town, we were able to coerce from the builder the services of a surveyor to mark our property boundaries and a truckload of screened loam! Thus began my gardening career.

 Our backyard view from the deck in November 1983

The two houses on the right went up in two months!

A circle of rocks marks the site of my first garden, and beyond is the pile of screened loam for our vegetable garden. (The new house on the left could be built because we granted the easement...)