Being able to bring flowers indoors is one of the joys of gardening. Having enough flowers to share is another. Vases are inexpensive if you frequent yard sales -- no one I know has ever complained that their flowers came in used vases!
If you do not like yard sales but you do eat pickles, olives, or peanut butter (or anything else that comes in prettily shaped or wide-mouth jars), then you have a vessel in which to give away flowers. If you are industrious, you can soak away the labels and then tie a matching ribbon around the jar mouth of the finished bouquet.
Below are pictures of some pretty bouquets I've made to share with friends or to take to the library where I volunteer. All the flowers were grown in my garden. Images are shown by month they were assembled. Click on the thumbnail pictures to get to a full-sized photo of the bouquet, then hit the return arrow to return to this page. More pictures of bouquets will be added for June through September.
Tulips, daffodils, hyacynth, and bridal wreath branches. Tulips, daffodils, bleeding hearts, and honeysuckle branches.
Tulips, daffodils, and lilacs.
Tulips, bleeding hearts, flowering almond branches, and lunaria (silver dollar plant).
Pink lily-of-the-valley and ajuga. Pink lily-of-the-valley, tulips, and artemesia Silver King.
Bearded iris with honeysuckle branches.
Columbine, MacFarlnd lilacs, verbascum, pink ajuga, and allium.
Siberian iris, babtisia, amsonia, zebra grass, and hosta leaves.
Siberian iris, amsonia, euphorbia, buttercups, zebra grass, baptisia, and spirea branches.
Siberian iris, amsonia, buttercups, euphorbia, ajuga, zebra grass, and spirea branch.
MacFarland lilac, Siberian iris, buttercups, and hosta leaves.
Rhododendron, Siberian iris, and baptisia.
MacFarland lilac, Siberian iris, buttercups, and hosta leaves.
Peonies, digitalis ambigua, Siberian iris, buttercups, and zebra grass.
Peonies, digitalis ambigua, baptisia, alchemilla, Siberian iris, and hosta leaves.