Welcome to my Website.  It was re-worked from one I had maintained for more than ten years in a different format.  I continue to add more information and pictures, so please visit the site again from time to time to see what's been added.  

My newest goal is to add pictures of bouquets I've made from the flowers in my garden.  It might give you some new ideas about what can be included in your own bouquets (but mostly it is to remind me, as my brain cells atrophy, what good ideas I've had in the past)! 

Currently, you can view some of the old stories I had included in a round-about fashion throughout my former website.  All gardens have stories.  Mine is no exception, and I enjoy telling the stories as much as I enjoy giving away the flowers.  In this new site, I've made it easier to find my garden 'stories' (in the Navigation Bar). 

If you are interested in learning a little about different perennial plants, I'll be including lots of pictures and updating the plant list to provide more useful information in the coming weeks. Keep your eye on the Navigation Bar. 

Comments or Questions

 Now that I have retired, there's more time to do the fun things. 

This is what retirement is meant to be. Garden a little, read a little, and maybe have a nap...